Aussie Cherries 



September 2017 - Supreme Court Appeal - GS Andrews and Holt Norman & Co v Corporate Link Australia P/L

December 2016 - Supreme Court judgement - GS Andrews and Holt Norman & Co v Corporate Link Australia P/L


April 2013 - Extract - As a result of Corporate Link advising its clients to invest $8.65 million in the Cherries Project, an amount of $865,000 became payable to Holt Norman as holder of the relevant Australian Financial Services License (“the AFSL debt”). An amount of $435,000 also became payable by Total Beverage to Westmores for advising its clients to invest in the Cherries Project. Total Beverage does not dispute that the debts arise as a result of the operation of the Product Disclosure Statement.     Read link here 






On 19th September 2012, Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) made the following decision:

Victoria-based financial adviser Peter Raymond Holt has been banned from providing financial services for three years.  Holt was banned after failing to comply with “numerous financial services laws”, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission said.

Holt was a director and authorised representative of Holt Norman & Co.

The regulator found Holt failed to have a reasonable basis for the advice he gave to retail clients.

He also failed to meet his disclosure obligations.

Holt has the right to appeal to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for a review of the regulator’s decision.

Mr Holt had the right to appeal to the AAT for a review of ASIC’s decision. This was sought in 2012. However, after HNAB Action Group met with ASIC in February with evidence of criteria to secure a Permanent (Life) Ban, Mr Holt, uncharacteristically, retracted his Appeal weeks later in March 2013.

For information about other Financial Planners who have been banned by ASIC, please follow the attached link.


December 2016 - updated Information for Timbercorp growers on the ASIC website 



CPA Disciplinary Notice:

March 2012 determination

Peter Holt is no longer a member of the CPA for the period of his bankruptcy.

Same with business partner - Craig Baker - May 2011 determination who went bankrupt on 17/08/2010

Current company name providing accounting services


Peter Holt on the Golf Course during a normal Wednesday afternoon.